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. 2012 Jan 4;67A(4):395–405. doi: 10.1093/gerona/glr223

Table 2.

Estimates of the Regression Coefficients in the Models of Cognitive and Functional Decline

Barthel Score
Blessed Score
Est 95% CI Est 95% CI
Age −0.28 −0.32 to −0.24 −0.15 −0.20 to −0.11
Gender (male) 0.96 0.76 to 1.16 0.51 0.33 to 0.68
Cent 0.76 0.40 to 1.12 0.49 0.16 to 0.83
Semi 2.1 1.67 to 2.48 1.28 0.91 to 1.66
Super 2.5 1.68 to 3.26 2.20 1.25 to 3.166
Cent × Age −0.12 −0.17 to −0.06 −0.07 −0.12 to −0.01
Semi × Age −0.09 −0.14 to −0.03 −0.14 −0.20 to −0.08
Super × Age Not significant −0.14 −0.24 to −0.04

Notes: Estimate of the regression coefficients and 95% credible intervals for the logit transformation of Barthel score (columns 1 and 2) and Blessed score (columns 3 and 4). The regression coefficients labeled as “cent,” “semi,” and “super” are the effects of the centenarian groups and the regression coefficient labeled as “Cent × Age,” “Semi × Age,” and “Super × Age” are the interaction terms that change the rate of decline with age in the different centenarian age groups. For example, the rate of decline of the logit-transformed Barthel score with age in nonagenarians is −0.28; the rate of decline of the logit-transformed Barthel score with age in centenarians is −0.28 − 0.12 and is −0.28 − 0.09 in semisupercentenarians. Ages were centered at the mean value. The estimates of regression coefficients and 95% CI were computed as the median, 2.5 and 97.5 percentiles from 45,000 samples generated from the posterior distribution of the parameters, using Markov Chain Monte Carlo.