(A, B) Statistical analysis of GluA1 surface expression and colocalization of GluA1 with neuroligin revealed increased surface and synaptic GluA1 expression after treatment with NMDA. This effect is abolished by SGK or PIKfyve inhibition. Control = untreated, NMDA = incubated with NMDA, PIK-In = treated with PIKfyve inhibitor, SGK-In = treated with SGK inhibitor. (C–H) Representative confocal images of dendrites stained with GluA1 (green) and neuroligin (red –Neuro) in controls versus NMDA-treated neurons under different conditions: (C) control versus (D) NMDA, (E) PIKfyve inhibitor (PIK inhibitor), (F) PIKfyve inhibitor and NMDA (PIK inhibitor+NMDA), (G) SGK inhibitor (SGK inhibitor), (H) SGK inhibitor and NMDA (SGK inhibitor+NMDA). The magnification is equal for all images - scale bar indicates 5 µm. Number of images analyzed n = 10–15, obtained from independent neuron culture preparations.