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. 2012 Jan 12;9:E35. doi: 10.5888/pcd9.110100


figure The phase 2 conceptual framework is represented as a triangle divided into 5 sections. The base of the triangle is labeled "CBPR Context"; the left side is "Evaluation"; the right side is "Intervention." The sections are labeled as follows from top to bottom: Policy (agents: policy makers); Community (agents: community members); Organizational (agents: YWCA, Parks and Recreation, CHALC, UT-El Paso, UT-SPH, Centro San Vicente, and El Paso Community College); Interpersonal (agents: promotores, family, friends, social networks), and Individual (agents: HEART participants).

Phase 2 Conceptual Framework. Abbreviations: Parks and Recreation, Parks and Recreation Department of the City of El Paso; CHALC, Community Health Academy and Leadership Council; UT, University of Texas; SPH, School of Public Health; CPBR, community-based participatory research. Adapted from Bartholomew et al (15).