Average cognitive summary score and Z-scores for MMSE, BPRS-Cog, and ADAS-Cogby study period for the full study population (including placebo).A one-unit change in Z-scores for MMSE, BPRS-Cog and ADAS-Cog represents a decline of one standard deviation of mean baseline score for the variable, with BPRS-Cog and ADAS-Cog Z-scores being further adjusted so that declines in the Z-score indicate declines in cognitive function. The cognitive summary is the normalized average of normalized cognitive scores (see Table 2). Mean raw scores at baseline, week 12, week 24, and week 36, respectively, were: MMSE 15.2, 14.5, 14.1, 13.3; BPRS-Cog: 5.3, 5.4, 5.4, 5.6; ADAS-Cog: 34.4, 35.0, 35.8, 36.9; cognitive summary: 0, −0.08, −0.14, −0.20.