Table 2. Treatments involvement in honeybee survival probability.
Variable | Wald’s statistic | p-value |
Sequence of treatments | 11.4 | 0.001 |
N. ceranae infection on day 0 | 42.1 | 0.000 |
N. ceranae infection on day 7 | 0.2 | 0.630 |
Fipronil exposure from day 0 to 7 | 24.1 | 0.000 |
Fipronil exposure from day 7 to 14 | 4.5 | 0.034 |
The given Wald’s statistic and p-value are results of the Cox’s Proportional Hazard Model (n = 1539). Significant differences (p≤0.05) are underlined. The higher the Wald's statistic, the higher the variable participates in affecting the survival.