Figure 2. Feedforward neural networks: Evolutionary dynamics of two representative simulations, for.
½ and
. Grey scales indicate log counts of colonies with the corresponding value of
(scales on top of the respective graphs) and connection weights (scale on the bottom right-hand side). (A) No switching costs (c = 0). Top graphs:
decreases to approximately 0.3. Worker specialization remains at zero. Bottom graphs: incoming connection weights at output node 2 evolve to strong positive values, whereas incoming connections weights at output node 1 evolve to weak positive values (
) or oscillate around zero (
). (B) With switching costs (
). Top graphs: the distribution of workers over tasks and the degree of worker specialisation are both highly variable across colonies. At the end of the simulation,
are both bimodally distributed. Bottom graphs: one of the connection weights (
) branches, one branch having positive values and the other, negative values. All other connections show weak positive values or remain very close to zero, all being relatively homogeneous in the population.