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. 2012 Mar 23;3:70. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2012.00070

Table 1.

The word and non-words used in the three experiments and thee lengths of the component syllables in ms.

Syllable 1 ms Syllable 2 ms Syllable 3 ms Word
Pee 229 Fah 388 Boe 267 Peefahboe
Roo 304 Wee 272 Law 336 Rooweelaw
Hoe 329 Lay 298 Gee 228 Hoelaygee
Kaw 298 Goo 267 Pah 306 Kawgoopah
May 286 Taw 298 Foo 330 Maytawfoo
Dah 300 Koe 285 Way 298 Dahkoeway
291.0 301.3 294.2 Average length

Syllable 1 ms Syllable 2 ms Syllable 3 ms Non-word

Lay 298 Hoe 329 Pee 229 Layhoepee
Wee 272 Kaw 298 Roo 304 Weekawroo
Boe 267 Gee 228 Taw 298 Boegeetaw
Goo 267 Dah 300 May 286 Goodahmay
Law 336 Way 298 Fah 388 Lawwayfah
Pah 306 Foo 330 Koe 285 Pahfookoe
291.0 297.2 298.3 Average length

The six non-words were created with the following constraints: half began with a medial syllable and half began with a final syllable. No syllable occurred in the same position in the non-words as it did in the words (e.g., if “Wee” was in medial position in a word, it would not occur medially in a non-word) so as to prevent learners from falsely recognizing a nonsense word from positional encoding of its component syllables. Finally, each of the vowels occurred once in each position in the words and once in each position in the non-words but was never repeated within a given word, or given non-word.