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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2012 Jun 1.
Published in final edited form as: Curr Diab Rep. 2011 Jun;11(3):193–202. doi: 10.1007/s11892-011-0182-2

Table 2.

Studies for ex vivo evaluation of diabetic vascular inflammation and atherosclerosis

End points examined Design Cell type Findings Limitations of method Reference
Apoptosis and vascular injury -Immunomagnetic isolation and staining of
 CD146 + vWF+, UEA-1+ CD133-cells
-Syto16+CD45-CD31+CD146+ cells isolated by flow
 cytometry or by a fluorescence-activated cell sorter
 and electron microscopy imaging
CECs -Opposite correlation with HbA1c
 in T1DM and T2DM
-Increased in diabetes
-Have apoptotic cell features
-Incomplete separation from EPCs
-Low circulating levels
-No functional or biochemical
-No single marker to identify
-Site of endothelial damage
-The correlation with HbA1c
 is unclear

Apoptosis and vascular injury -Flow cytometry analysis of platelet-poor
 plasma, apoptotic microparticles by
 Annexin V staining
-TF-dependent procoagulant assay, ELISA,
 or prothrombinase assay
-EC identity based on CD31/CD144 expression
EMPs -Involved in cardiovascular diseases,
 inflammation, and coagulation
-Cardiovascular risk marker in diabetes
-Incomplete standardization
-Low circulating levels
-No functional or biochemical
-In diabetes, released by large
 panel of cells
Adhesion and vascular regeneration -Cells with CD34+ or CD133+ and with KDR+
 or CD31+ isolated by flow cytometry
-EPC ex vivo cell culture protocol (≥ 14 days)
 in endothelial differentiation medium
EPCs -Reduced or impaired in cardiovascular
 disease and diabetes
-Form colonies, adhere to a monolayer
 of ECs in culture
-Diabetic PBMCs can be differentiated
 into EPCs
-Incomplete separation from
-Poor or incomplete
-No functional/biochemical
-Semiquantitative analysis
-Low circulating levels
-Extrapolation from in vivo

Adhesion, apoptosis, AGE/RAGE and
 ROS, endothelial activation/dysfunction,
 vascular inflammation/injury
-CD146+ ECs collected by angiocatheterization
 and enriched by immunomagnetic isolation
-RNA amplified for quantitative PCR and
 microarray analysis
-ECs fixed and then stained with vWF+ and
 desired markers for protein analysis
human aortic
 ECs/ human
 venous ECs
-Patients  own aorta and/or venous ECs are
 sampled and showed ECs activation in chronic
 inflammation (e.g., in diabetes, cardiovascular
 diseases, sleep apnea, lupus and aging)
-Sampling of aorta replaced by
 venous for minimally invasive
 and repeatable sampling
-Venous ECs give important, but
 incomplete information
-RNA amplification needed for
 quantitative analysis



AGE advanced glycation end products; CECs circulating endothelial cells; ECs endothelial cells; ELISA enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay; EMPs endothelial microparticles; EPCs endothelial progenitor cells; HbA1c hemoglobin A1c; HSCs hematopoietic stem cells; PBMCs peripheral blood mononuclear cells; PCR polymerase chain reaction; RAGE receptor for advanced glycation end products; ROS reactive oxygen species; T1DM type 1 diabetes; T2DM type 2 diabetes; νWF von Willebrand factor.