Figure 3. Diagrammatical representation of the 18 modA alleles of H. influenzae and pathogenic Neisseria.
A. The 18 modA DNA recognition domains are shown as coloured lines and the colour scheme established in Fox et al. (14) was used here for each representative allele: 1, H. influenzae R3327; 2, H. influenzae 723; 3, H. influenzae R3366; 4, H. influenzae R3579; 5, H. influenzae 1268; 6, H. influenzae C1626; 7, H. influenzae R3265; 8, H. influenzae C505; 9, H. influenzae 1209; 10, H. influenzae R3157; 11, N. meningitidis BZ83; 12, N. gonorrhoeae 01DO64; 13, H. influenzae R3023; 14, H. influenzae R1527; 15, H. influenzae R3570; 16, H. influenzae ATCC9007; 17, H. influenzae ATCC9833; 18, N. meningitidis NGE28. Each modA DNA recognition domain has been assigned a unique colour to permit visual identification of possible recombination events between different modA DNA recognition domains. BLASTn matches longer than 13 nucleotides and >80% identity between the 18 mod alleles were mapped onto the corresponding allele in the appropriate colour. Table S1 contains the nucleotide coordinates for each BLASTn match. B. Diagrammatical representation of the tBLASTn match between modA10 and modA14. Horizontal bars represent the modA alleles 10 and 14 described in panel A, and are coloured according to the same scheme. The vertical bars between the coloured lines indicate the nucleotide match according to BLAST, ranging from light grey (>80% nt identity) to black (100% nt identity).