Figure 2. Symbiont status mediates tsetse's ability to survive challenge with E. coli K12.
(A) The effect of symbiont status on the survival of tsetse following systemic and per os challenge with E. coli K12. Mature adult GmmApo flies were significantly more susceptible to challenge with 103 CFU of E. coli than were age-matched GmmWT (bottom and top panels, p < 0.001) and GmmWgm− flies (bottom and middle panels, p < 0.001). Both GmmWT and GmmApo flies survived per os challenge with E. coli. Infection experiments were performed in triplicate, using 25 flies per replicate. (B) Average number (±SEM) of recE. colipIL per tsetse cohort over time (n=3 individuals per cohort per time point) following systemic and per os challenge with 103 CFU of bacteria. Values shown in grey represent lethal infections. By 8 dpc, not enough E. coli-injected GmmApo flies remained to quantify bacterial density.