Procaspase-3 processing and caspase-3 activity are impaired by LVS. PMNs were left untreated or were incubated with staurosporine (stauro., 1 μM), opsonized zymosan (OpZ, MOI 5:1), or LVS (MOI 200:1). A, At the indicated time points, procaspase-3 processing was detected by Western blotting of cell lysates. The caspase-3 mAb recognizes both procaspase-3 (37 kDa) and the large subunit of active caspase-3 (17 kDa). Actin was used as a loading control. Data shown are from one experiment representative of four. Lower panel shows the percentage of mature caspase-3 in each sample determined by densitometric analysis of each immunoblot normalized to the actin loading control. #, 48 h time point not determined for staurosporine-treated PMNs. B, Caspase-3 activity was assessed using a caspase-3-specific proluminogenic substrate. Data indicate relative luminescence units (RLU) and are the mean ± SEM of triplicate samples from one representative experiment (n≥3). ** P <0.01 and *** P <0.001 for LVS-infected vs. control PMN.