Experimental data (red dots) from Gerson and Goldstein (14) and from
Schouten et al. (8) (1200–2200 Hz range) show pitch as
a function of the lower frequency f =
kω0 + Δω of a complex tone
{kω0 + Δω, (k +
1)ω0 + Δω, (k + 2)ω0 +
Δω, . . .} with the partials spaced g =
ω0 = 200 Hz apart. The data of Schouten et
al. are for three-component tones monotically presented (all of
the stimulus entering one ear), and those of Gerson and Goldstein for
four-component tones dichotically presented (part of the stimulus
entering one ear and the rest of the stimulus the other, controlateral,
ear); the harmonic numbers of the partials present in the stimuli are
shown beside the data. The pitch-shift effect we predict from
three-frequency resonance, taking into account the dominance region, is
shown superimposed on the data as solid lines given by the equations
P = g +
(f − n
g)/(n + 1/2) (primary lines),
P = g/2 +
(f − (n +
1/2)g)/(2n + 2) (secondary lines), and
P = g/4 +
(f − (n −
1/4)g)/(4n + 1) (tertiary line); the
harmonic numbers of the partials used to calculate the pitch-shift
lines are shown enclosed in red squares. For primary lines these
harmonic numbers correspond to n and n +
1, for secondary lines to 2n + 1 and 2n +
3, and for the tertiary line to 4n + 1 and
4n + 5. A red circle, instead of a square, signifies
that the component is not physically present in the stimulus, but
corresponds to a combination tone. The Inset corresponds
to the slopes of the data averaged over the distinct experimental
values plotted as a function of harmonic number. The blue squares are
the data of Gerson and Goldstein, the red squares are those of Schouten
et al., and lastly, the blue circles are data of
Patterson (15) for six- and twelve-component tones, which are averaged
over different experimental situations that represent several thousand
points. The black diamonds correspond to our theory and show that the
data of Gerson and Goldstein and those of Patterson saturate for
different values of k (the experimental conditions were