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. 2012 Feb 1;11:32. doi: 10.1186/1475-2875-11-32

Table 2.

Logistic regression assessing the effect of household socio-economic status on ITNs use among individuals (de facto population) from households which own at least one ITN

Factors Number of individuals Number of individual using ITNs (%) Odd Ratios (95% CI)
Totat number of individuals 3,056 1,622 (53.1)

Wealth quintiles

Lowest 521 273 (52.4) 0.87 (0.67; 1.13)

Second 610 307 (50.3) 0.85 (0.66; 1.10)

Third 640 359 (56.1) 1.1 (0.86; 1.40)

Fourth 653 341 (52.2) 0.91 (0.72; 1.15)

Highest 632 342 (54.1) 1


Male 1,494 729 (48.8) 1

Female 1,562 893 (57.2) 1.46 (1.26; 1.70)


Under 5 year 639 397 (62.1) 1

5-15 years 971 471 (48.5) 0.62 (0.50; 0.77)

15-25 years 467 203 (43.5) 0.42 (0.33; 0.55)

25 years and plus 979 551 (56.3) 0.72 (0.58; 0.89)

Place of residence

Urban 1,080 538 (49.8) 1

Rural 1,976 1,084 (54.9) 1.11 (0.94; 1.31)

Education level of head of household

None 1,880 965 (51.3) 1

Primary 636 374 (58.8) 1.39 (1.14; 1.69)

Secondary 382 185 (48.4) 0.97 (0.76; 1.25)

Higher 115 75 (65.2) 1.91 (1.23; 2.96)

Missing 43

Size of the household

1 member 40 25 (62.5) 1

2-4 members 1,010 626 (62.0) 1.44 (0.74; 2.83)

5-7 members 1,316 670 (50.9) 1.55 (0.76; 3.14)

8 and more members 690 301 (43.6) 1.34 (0.66; 2.75)

Use of repellent (aerosol, coil, herbs)

None 185 90 (48.6) 1

At least one 1,945 1086 (55.8) 1.27 (0.93; 1.75)

At least 2 926 446 (48.2) 0.94 (0.67; 1.32)

Ratio 1 net for 2 person met

No 2,268 1077 (47.5) 1

Yes 788 545 (69.2) 2.64 (2.06; 3.37)

Bolded: Statistically significant (p value < 0.05)

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