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. 2012 Feb 22;10:22. doi: 10.1186/1477-7525-10-22

Table 1.

Proxy Caregiver's Demographics and Clinical Characteristics for Cognitive Interviews

N = 25 (%)
Child's Gender-Female 13 (52)

Child's Age
 5-7 years 17 (68)
 8-9 years 3 (12)
 10-12 years 0 (0)5
 13-17 years (20)

Child's Grade Completed in School
 1st or less 17 (68)
 2nd-5th 3 (12)
 6th-11ths 5 (29)

Child's Race
 Caucasian 14 (56)
 African American 10 (40)
 Other-Mixed 1 (4)

Child's Ethnicity-Hispanic 2 (8)

Caregiver's Marital Status
 Divorced/Separated 6 (24)
 Married 13 (52)
 Never married 6 (24)

Caregiver's Education Status
 Advanced degree 10 (40)
 College 5 (20)
 Some college/AA 5 (20)
 High School 3 (12)
 Some high school 2 (8)

Caregiver's Occupation
 Full-Time Employed 12 (48)
 Part Time Employed 7 (28)
 Not employed 6 (24)

Chronic Health Condition in Past 6 Months* 17 (68)

 Child ever diagnosed with asthma and currently treated 14 (56)

*caregivers reported child was diagnosed or treated for a chronic health condition within 6 months prior to the interview and these conditions included (asthma, migraines, anxiety, ADHD/ADD, and allergies)