Figure 1.
Interaction of SseF with TIP60. (A) Plasmids expressing the SseF devoid of putative transmembrane regions fused to the GAL4 binding domain were transformed into yeast strain AH109 expressing a fusion between the GAL4 activation domain and iTIP60164-546 (pZF1). (B) Plasmids expressing the various SseF fragments fused to the GAL4 binding domain were transformed into yeast strain AH109 expressing a fusion between the GAL4 activation domain and different TIP60 isoforms. SipA together with Plastin was used as a positive control. Yeast strains expressing the above plasmid combinations were streaked on SD-Leu-Trp (-LW) or -Leu-Trp-His+15 mM 3-AT media (-LWH). Quantitative β-galactosidase activities were measured from yeast grown in SD-Leu-Trp and expressed in Miller units.