Figure 2.
Estimated expression trajectory (vertical axis, solid line) across Circadian Time (CT in h, horizontal axis) and the 95% confidence interval (dashed line) of a) Clockwork Orange (Cwo) in forager and nurse bees, b) Arrestin-2 in nurse and forager bees, c) Long-wavelength rhodopsin (LW Rh) in forager bees (non-significant in nurse bees), and d) Foraging (For) in forager bees (non-significant in nurse bees). Nurse trajectories are denoted in bold relative to forager trajectories. Markers denote observed expression levels (square and triangle for nurse and forager bees, respectively). The bars at the bottom depict the illumination regime across CT: black bar = subjective night (CT12 to CT24), grey bar = subjective day (CT0 to CT12). Other details as in Figure 1.