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. 2012 Apr;129(4):709–720. doi: 10.1542/peds.2011-2809


Descriptive Statistics for Lifetime Binge Drinking and Covariates, Overall and According to Country

Overall (N = 16 551) Germany (n = 2754) Iceland (n = 2664) Italy (n = 2668) Poland (n = 4105) Netherlands (n = 1423) Scotland (n = 2937)
 Lifetime binge drinking
   Never 73 76 94 75 67 62 65
   Once 13 12 3 13 18 10 14
   2–5 times 9 8 2 8 10 12 13
   >5 times 5 4 1 4 5 16 8
    Female 49 49 48 44 53 51 49
    Male 51 51 52 56 47 49 51
  Age, mean (SD), y 13.4 (1.18) 12.7 (1.06) 13.1 (0.89) 13.6 (1.37) 14.2 (0.79) 13.8 (1.36) 13.0 (0.89)
  Family affluence
    Low 10 8 2 14 17 2 10
    Medium 36 37 21 45 42 27 39
    High 54 55 77 41 41 71 51
Personal characteristics
 School performance
   Below average 8 6 4 15 9 9 3
   Average 33 44 25 39 39 29 21
   Good 42 40 43 39 35 49 51
   Excellent 17 10 28 7 17 13 25
 TV screen time
   ≤0.5 h 23 25 29 20 19 24 22
   1–2 h 51 52 55 48 49 57 50
   3–4 h 19 17 13 23 24 17 20
   >4 h 7 6 3 9 8 2 8
 Sensation seeking and rebelliousness, mean (SD), range 0–4 1.31 (0.74) 1.21 (0.72) 1.0 (0.69) 1.43 (0.75) 1.53 (0.74) 1.01 (0.59) 1.40 (0.73)
Social environment
 Peer drinking
   None 32 48 69 21 10 22 30
   A few 25 25 19 25 25 18 33
   Some 21 17 7 29 32 21 16
   Most 17 8 3 19 27 27 17
   All 4 2 1 6 6 12 4
Mother figure drinking
  Never 23 16 18 39 28 12 14
  Seldom 59 64 68 50 63 51 46
  Often but not every day 17 16 13 8 8 30 37
  Every day 2 2 1 3 1 7 3
Father figure drinking
  Never 13 12 15 18 14 6 12
  Seldom 52 58 60 47 61 38 41
  Often but not every day 29 25 23 24 22 45 42
  Every day 6 5 2 11 4 11 5
Any sibling drinking
  No 65 68 57 75 69 56 57
  Yes 35 32 43 25 31 44 43

Data are presented as % or mean ± SD.