FHV RNA accumulation in inoculated and noninoculated leaves of
MP-transgenic N. benthamiana plants. FHV RNA2 (1 μg)
purified from virions (positive control) or total RNAs (1–5 μg)
extracted from leaves were used as templates for RT-PCR with FHV RNA2
specific primers, as described in the text. Products were analyzed by
electrophoresis on 1% agarose gel. Lanes: M, 1-kb ladder; C,
buffer-inoculated leaf (negative control); F, FHV RNA2; 1,
nontransgenic plant, FHV RNA inoculated; 2–4, TMV MP transgenic plant,
FHV RNA inoculated (2) and noninoculated upper second (3) and third (4)
leaves; 5–7, RCNMV MP transgenic plant, FHV RNA inoculated (5) and
noninoculated upper second (6) and third (7) leaves. The arrow shows
the position of FHV RNA2 (1.4 kb).