Figure 8.
In the parkin null background, overexpression of oxidative stress transgenes rescues synaptic overgrowth but not muscle RMP or larval locomotion. (A) The normalized bouton count is reduced from the parkin mutant peak (∼+50% of the CS wild-type) to +20% by overexpression of catalase or superoxide dismutase (Sod1 or Sod2) with a global driver. The effect of the oxidative stress transgenes is significant (Bonferroni comparison with parkin P< 0.001 for each transgene). At least 24 neuromuscular junctions for each genotype, totally 224. (B) Oxidative stress gene overexpression did not rescue the muscle RMP (comparison with parkin mutants, Bonferroni tests all P= 1.0). At least 18 muscles for each genotype, 213 in total. (C) The oxidative stress gene overexpression did not rescue larval locomotion (comparison with parkin mutants Bonferroni tests all P= 1.0). At least 12 larvae for each genotype, total 171. Genotypes—(A and C) wild-type: CS; parkin: park25/park25 outcrossed to the Act5C driver used to express each transgene in park25/park25 background. (B) Wild-type CS/w−; parkin; parkZ3678/park25, transgene expression driven by the Act5C driver.