Figure 2. Type 1-like parasites appear to have given rise to type 2 parasites.
(A) Phylogenetic tree of the evolutionary relationship of type 1 (green, N = 37) and type 2 (red, N = 57) single copy gene protein sequences, with Pentatrichomonas hominis and Tritrichomonas foetus protein sequences as outgroups. Protein sequences for CRN, PMS1 and Mlh1a were concatenated for each isolate and the tree was bootstrapped 1000 times. BioNJ methods were used for tree reconstruction. Blue dots indicate nodes where bootstrap support is ≥50. (B) The allelic richness by type was calculated with ADZE using microsatellite data for all isolates. Type 1 (green, N = 76) shows greater allelic richness than type 2 (red, N = 64), supporting the former as the ancestral clade and the latter as derived.