BCθ is enriched in FLDF. BCθ-bound platelets were treated with
(+Tx) or without Tx (-Tx), sonicated, subjected to a sucrose gradient
centrifugation, and fractionated from the top (fractions 1–11 and
pellet, fraction 12). The distribution of BCθ (a, +Tx
and -Tx), cholesterol (c, open bars, +Tx and -Tx), and
total protein (c, closed circles, +Tx and -Tx) in the
gradient fractions was analyzed. In parallel experiments the
distribution of sphingomyelin (SM) (b, +Tx and -Tx) and
tyrosine-kinases (e, +Tx) was determined.
(d) The Tx-insoluble pellet obtained at 4°C by
centrifugation at 15,000 × g was subjected to
density gradient fractionation and the cholesterol content in each
fraction was determined. T, total platelets. On BCθ binding a shift
in the distribution patterns of lipids and proteins was observed from
fractions 2–4 to fractions 3–5 (+Tx). Because Tx in bottom fractions
(7–12) interferes with the separation of lipids on TLC plates, the
distribution pattern of sphingomyelin in these fractions was not shown
(b, +Tx).