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. 2012 Mar 27;7(3):e32726. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0032726

Table 2. General characteristics (variables) of fisher translocations that could influence translocation success.

Variables that could influence translocation success Variable name VORTEX Data
Number of fishers released Number of fishers Yes Yes
Number of release sites Number of sites Yes Yes
Number of years fishers released Number of years Yes Yes
Sex ratio of released fishers Sex-ratio Yes Yes
Feasibility assessment prior to release Feasibility No Yes
Genetic diversity of source population (number sources) Diversity No Yes
Genetic relatedness to source population (proximity) Relatedness No Yes
Monitoring post-release Monitor No Yes
Protection from fur-trapping for fishers specifically Protect1 No Yes
Protection from incidental fur-trapping Protect2 No Yes
Region (Eastern vs Western North America1) Region No Yes
Season of release Season No Yes
Type of release (hard versus soft) Type No Yes
Ownership of lands where fishers released Owner No No
Trapping re-established following translocation Trapping No No

Four variables were included in our VORTEX simulations and data for 13 of these variables were available from actual translocations.


106° West Longitude, chosen because it is midway within a gap between translocations that occurred in eastern versus western North America (see Figure 6).