FIG. 2.
Rapid revascularization of the graft by EPC cotransplantation. A and B: The blood vessels of the graft site were visualized at day 35 using BS1-lectin and VE-cadherin immunostaining (n = 4). A: Representative images of the immunostaining. The areas in the white dotted rectangle are shown as magnification view in the right panel. B: The total area of all vessels, large-vessel (diameter ≥5 μm) and small-capillary (diameter <5 μm), in the graft were quantified. C–F: The BS1-lectin–positive blood vessels of the graft were shown from early to late time point (days 3, 14, 21, and 35). C: Representative images of the immunostaining. D–F: The area of total BS1-lectin–positive vessels (D), branching vessels longer than 30 μm (E), and capillary density (F) were measured in the graft site (n = 4). All quantification data of vascular density in B, D, E, and F were calculated as percent area of the total graft area and then presented as arbitrary units (AU), with the value of the islet-only group set to 1 in B, with the value of the islet-only group at day 3 set to 1 in D and E, and with the value of the islet-only group at day 14 set to 1 in F. G and H: The capillary density of the intraislet area at day 21 was visualized with anti-human and anti-pig/mouse PECAM-1 antibodies (red) together with insulin antibody (green). G: Representative images of the PECAM-1 immunostaining. H: The capillary density positive for PECAM-1 within the insulin-positive area was measured, calculated as percent area of the insulin-positive area, and then presented as arbitrary units with the value of the islet-only group set to 1 (n = 4). I: The graft sites of each mouse at day 10 were dissected, harvested, and analyzed for PECAM-1 with primers all for human, porcine, and mouse by q-PCR (n = 4). All of the q-PCR data are presented in arbitrary units after normalization to glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, with the islet-only group set to 1. The data are presented as means ± SE. *P < 0.05 vs. the islet-only group. White dotted lines show the territory of the graft site. Scale bars, 50 μm in A and 100 μm in C and G. (A high-quality color representation of this figure is available in the online issue.)