Table 2.
aReference group for independent variable
bp≤0.05 (p-values based on GEEs controlling for correlation among observations with each of the 14 sites)
cp≤0.001 (p-values based on GEEs controlling for correlation among observations with each of the 14 sites)
dp≤0.01 (p-values based on GEEs controlling for correlation among observations with each of the 14 sites)
eThe range for a healthy CD4 count is 500–1,000 cells/mm3. A CD4 count of <200 cells/mm3 is an indicator of an AIDS diagnosis. Source: Department of Health and Human Services (US). understand your test results: CD4 count [cited 2011 Aug 18]. Available from: URL:
HIV = human immunodeficiency virus
SPNS = Special Projects of National Significance
SD = standard deviation
mm3 = cubic millimeter
meth = methamphetamine
GEE = general estimating equation
AIDS = acquired immunodeficiency syndrome