Binding of Ct-GluR52b and Ct-GluR6 to Native PICK1, GRIP, and PSD95
(A) GST pull-downs of native proteins obtained from solubilized rat brain P2 sonicates. The data are representative of at least three separate blots for each antibody.
(B) Coimmunoprecipitation from 14-day-old rats (a). PSD95 and GRIP were coimmunopreci-pitated with a monoclonal anti-GluR5/6/7 antibody. Coimmunoprecipitation of PICK1 from myc-GluR6 transgenic mice (b). Mouse brain tissue expressing myc-tagged GluR6 was precipitated using a monoclonal anti-myc antibody.
(C) Subcellular distributions in adult rat brain. 1000 × g supernatant from crude homogenate (S1); cytosol (S2); crude membrane fraction (P2); mitochondria (Mi); myelin fraction (My); synaptosomes (Sy) and fractions resistable to single Triton (PSD I), double Triton (PSD II), or triton and sarcosyl (PSD III) extraction. 20 μg protein per lane.