Figure 6. Mislocalization of NOS1 in muscle fibers from mice flown on board ISS.
A. Confocal immunofluorescence analysis of NOS1 localization in soleus and EDL muscle fibers from ground control mouse housed in a normal laboratory cage (LAB) and of the spaceflight mouse housed in the MDS payload (Flight). NOS1 mislocalization was seen in soleus muscle of the spaceflown mice, but not in EDL. B. The sarcolemmal (SL) to cytoplasmic localization of nitric oxide synthase-1 (NOS1) isoform was analyzed in soleus muscle fibers of control mice housed in a normal laboratory cage (LAB) or in the MDS payload (Ground) and in mice flown for 91 days on board ISS (Flight). *: P<0.05 vs. Lab and Ground.