Representative semi-thin cross section of a S. caprea root approx. 1.5 cm from the apex from which the quantitative anatomical measurements were made; the total root area (a), the area of vascular bundles (b), and area of xylem elements in vascular bundles (c). Red lines bound the measured areas. Black frame on (a) indicates the area of the root which is shown in (c). Bars, 100 μm. S. caprea isolates KH21 and F20 were cultivated for 14 weeks in standard nutrient solution (C), and in solution containing Cd, Zn or both metals (Cd + Zn). Data are means ± SE. Eight biological replicates for each treatment were evaluated. Small and capital letters indicate significant differences among the treatments in KH21 and F20, respectively, and asterisks indicate significant differences between the isolates in the same treatment. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)