Leptopharynx brasiliensis after protargol impregnation (14) and after Chatton–Lwoff silver nitrate impregnation (15, 16). 14. Right side view of a paratype specimen showing the ciliary pattern, the distinctly oblique preoral region, the widely spaced kinetids in kinety 1, and the conspicuous oral basket. The arrowhead marks the posterior portion of the oral primordium. 15, 16. Right and left side view of paratype specimens, showing the ciliary pattern. Note the widely spaced kinetids of kinety 1, the pair-like arranged kinetids in the anterior portion of kinety 5, and the six kinetids comprising kinety 6. Arrowheads denote the oral primordium. CY, cytopyge; EP, excretory pore; FV, food vacuole; K1–9, somatic kineties; M, adoral membranelles; MA, macronucleus; MI, micronucleus; NK, nasse kinetosomes; OB, oral basket; PC, postoral complex; PO, preoral kineties; T, excretory tube. Scale bars 20 μm.