Table 1.
Variables included in weight models, Women’s Health Initiative estrogen-plus-progestin randomized trial
No. | Variables | Categories | Baseline | Time-varying |
1 | Randomization status in the diet-modification trial | Yes/No | Yes | No |
2 | Age | Five-year category | Yes | No |
3 | Region | Northeast, South, Midwest, West | Yes | No |
4 | Race/ethnicity | White, African-American, Hispanic, other | Yes | No |
5 | Education | High school or less, some college or associate degree, college graduate and above | Yes | No |
6 | Marital status | Never married, divorced or separated, widowed, presently married or married-like relationship | Yes | No |
7 | Cigarette smoking | Never, past, current | Yes | Yes |
8 | Physical activity | Quartiles of metabolic equivalent units/week | Yes | Yes |
9 | Alcohol intake | None, past, <1 drink/month, <1 drink/week, 1–7 drinks/week, >7 drinks/week | Yes | Yes |
10 | Body mass index | <25, 25–29, 30–34, 35–39, ≥40 kg/m2 | Yes | Yes |
11 | Age at menarche | <11, 12–13, ≥14 years | Yes | No |
12 | Number of term pregnancies | Never pregnant, never had term pregnancy, 1–2, 3–4, ≥5 | Yes | No |
13 | Number of children breastfed | 0, 1–2, ≥3 | Yes | No |
14 | Age at first birth | Never pregnant/no term pregnancy, <20, 20–29, ≥30 years | Yes | No |
15 | Family history of breast cancer | Yes/No | Yes | No |
16 | Family history of fracture | Yes/No | Yes | No |
17 | Personal history of benign breast diseases | Yes/No | Yes | Yes |
18 | Personal history of cancer | Yes/No | Yes | Yes |
19 | Personal history of fracture | Yes/No | Yes | Yes |
20 | Personal history of osteoporosis | Yes/No | Yes | Yes |
21 | Personal history of cardiovascular diseases | Yes/No | Yes | Yes |
22 | Personal history of diabetes | Yes/No | Yes | Yes |
23 | Oophorectomy (unilateral or bilateral) | Yes/No | Yes | Yes |
24 | General health | Excellent, very good, good, poor/fair | Yes | Yes |
25 | Physical functioning construct | Quartiles of quality of life subscale on physical functioning in the RAND36-Item Health Survey | Yes | Yes |
26 | Prior hormone use | None, <5 years, 5–9 years, ≥10 years | Yes | No |
27 | Use of oral contraceptives ever | Yes/No | Yes | No |
28 | Fruit intake | Quartiles of daily intake | Yes | No |
29 | Vegetable intake | Quartiles of daily intake | Yes | No |
30 | Mammogram | Yes/No | Yesa | Yes |
31 | Breast exam | Yes/No | No | Yes |
32 | Breast biopsy | Yes/No | No | Yes |
33 | Results from mammogram/breast exam | Normal/benign change, possibly malignant/cancer | No | Yes |
34 | Number of screening/diagnostic procedures | 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ≥6 | Yes | Yes |
35 | Years since menopause | <10, 10–19, ≥20 years | Yes | No |
36 | Vasomotor symptoms | None, mild, moderate/severe | Yes | Yes |
37 | Other menopausal symptoms | Quartiles of summary score of 15 menopausal symptoms | Yes | Yes |
38 | Changes in breastsb | Yes/No | No | Yes |
39 | Breast tenderness | None, mild, moderate/severe | No | Yes |
40 | Vaginal bleeding | None, spotting, light, moderate, severe | No | Yes |
Mammogram in last two years
Includes new lumps, nipple discharge, and skin changes