Figure 4.
Complementation of a Yeast lst8 Mutant with the Arabidopsis LST8-1 cDNA.
A yeast lst8 mutant strain expressing the Saccharomyces cerevisiae LST8 cDNA under the control of an inducible Gal promoter was used for complementation studies. On a permissive, Gal-containing medium, the yeast lst8 mutant strain is able to grow (A), but on selective, Glc-containing medium, the yeast lst8 mutant strain containing an empty transformation vector fails to grow ([B], bottom part). The expression of the Arabidopsis LST8-1 cDNA in the yeast lst8 mutant strain fully restores the ability to grow on Glc medium ([B], top part).
[See online article for color version of this figure.]