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. 2012 Feb 10;24(2):589–607. doi: 10.1105/tpc.111.094672

Figure 6.

Figure 6.

CTL1 Colocalizes with Tethered MASCs/SmaCCs in Secretory Vesicles.

Seedlings expressing CTL1:GFP and tdT:CESA6 were incubated in water (control), in 200 mM mannitol for 4 h, or in 100 nM isoxaben for 3 h and were imaged at the cell cortex of epidermal cells from etiolated hypocotyls.

(A) Golgi bodies are labeled with GFP and tdT (yellow circles). Other vesicles (SmaCCs/MASCs) are labeled with GFP (green arrowheads), with tdT only (red arrowheads), or with both fluorophores (yellow arrowheads).

(B) Percentage of CTL1v that colocalize with MASCs/SmaCCs in response to different treatments. Data represent the average (±se) of n = 3 cells from three different seedlings. In each cell, 25 to 40 CTL1vs were analyzed. Asterisks indicate significant changes in percentage of colocalization compared with control treatment (Student’s t test; P < 0.01). Typical behavior of dual-labeled cells is shown in Supplemental Movies 6 and 7 online.

Bars = 5 μm in (A) and (B).