CTL1 and CTL2 Bind Glucan Polymers.
CTL1 and CTL2 binding activity toward substrates with relative absorbance >3 and three selected substrates with relative absorbance <3 (for complete list, see Supplemental Table 2 online). Relative absorbance units were calculated by the ratio of the (control-subtracted) absolute measured absorbance at 450 nm and normalized with respect to the concentration of protein used for each replicate (in mg/mL). IF_A.t., insoluble fraction of Arabidopsis cell wall; 4MKOH_A.t., 4 M KOH fraction of Arabidopsis cell wall; celluloseFL, cellulose, fibrous, long; RG, rhamnogalacturonan; AGP_A.t., arabinogalactanproteins from Arabidopsis.
Data represents the average (±se) of n = 3 independent ELISA replicates.