Figure 2. Comparasion of the distribution of homozygotes and heterozygotes in immunized and control groups.
Mice (10 per group) were immunized with the antigens (Sj29-2, Sj29-4 or Sj29-mix) adjuvanted by ISA 70 M, the adjuvant alone and PBS, respectively and challenged with cercariae. The survival worms from individual group were pooled for genotyping of Sj29 gene. The survival worms from were categorized as homozygotes (Homo-A, Homo-B), heterozygotes (Heter-A, Heter-B and AB) and others(Non-A, Non-B). The number of the surviving worms with various categorized genotypes in the immunization groups were compared to that in the control groups exception of the Sj29-mix group (D) where the data was converted before statistic analysis (see “Statistic Anaysis” in Method section). (A) Sj29-2 immunized group of the first experiment. (B) Sj29-2 immunized group of the second experiment. (C) Sj29-4 immunized group of the second experiment. (D) Sj29 multiple antigens immunized group.