Figure 5. Comparison with a previous model of territory formation.
The parameter from the reaction-diffusion model introduced in [9] (see also main text) is compared with the parameters
from the 1D analytic model introduced here. Panel (a) shows the
-value that gives the best-fit animal marginal distribution curve for each given value of
. The insets compare the probability distributions for particular values of
, where the solid lines represent our model and the dashed lines the reaction-diffusion model. The values used are (i)
, (ii)
, (iii)
, (iv)
. Panel (b) shows the best fit
-value for a given
. The
-values used for the insets are (i)
, (ii)
, (iii)
. Low values of
always give a better fit to a given marginal distribution from the reaction-diffusion model than higher values and do not affect the value of
that gives the best fit. Therefore we set
when performing the fitting for panel (b). Low values of
together with high values of
tend to give rise to good fits, but outside this range the two models show quite different results.