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. 2012 Mar 13;3:736. doi: 10.1038/ncomms1742

Table 1. Definitions of variables used in equations (1–6).

Variable Definition
σo Intrinsic charge density of the outer bilayer
σi Intrinsic charge density of the inner bilayer
Φi Potential at the inner bilayer surface
Φo Potential at the outer bilayer surface
Vm Potential between inner and outer bulk solutions (outer at zero)
ΔΦso Potential drop at outer bilayer due to Stern layer
ΔΦsi Potential drop at inner bilayer due to Stern layer
εb Permittivity of lipid bilayer
δb Width of lipid bilayer
εTsol Permittivity of bulk aqueous solution at temperature T
cjo(∞) Concentration of jth ionic species in outer buffer
cki(−∞) Concentration of kth ionic species in inner buffer
zjo Valence of jth ionic species in outer buffer
zki Valence of kth ionic species in inner buffer
δso Thickness of Stern layer at the outer bilayer
δsi Thickness of Stern layer at the inner bilayer
εso Dielectric constant of outer Stern layer
εsi Dielectric constant of inner Stern layer
rjo Hydrated ionic radius of jth ionic species in outer buffer
rki Hydrated ionic radius of kth ionic species in inner buffer
δlipido Hydrated size of the outer polar lipid head groups
δlipidi Hydrated size of the inner polar lipid head groups