Figure 2. TE expression pattern and subcelluar localization of TE protein.
(a) Quantitative RT–PCR analysis showing the relative expression levels of TE in root (R), shoot (S), leaf (L) and panicle (P). Error bars represent s.e.m. (n=3). (b) RNA in situ hybridization in longitudinal section showing that TE is preferentially expressed in the AM in axils of P1 and P2 leaf, P1 leaf primordia and young leaves (YL) at P2 leaf stage. (c) RNA in situ hybridization in longitudinal section showing that TE is preferentially expressed in the shoot apical meristem (SAM), AM in axils of P3 leaf, root meristem (RM) and YL at P3 leaf stage. (d) RNA in situ hybridization in longitudinal section showing that TE is preferentially expressed in the AM in axils of P4 leaf and P5 leaf, RM and YL at P4 leaf stage. (e) The sense probe of TE was used as a negative control. (f) TE–GFP fusion protein is predominantly localized to the nuclei of Arabidopsis protoplasts (upper images); GFP protein itself is distributed throughout the cytoplasm of Arabidopsis protoplasts (lower images). (b–e) Scale bar, 100 μm and (f) 7.5 μm.