Table 3.
Follow-up telephone script used to contact patients who were deemed to have insufficient screening and treatment following a defined fragility fracture. Conducted 12–14 weeks after hospital encounter or 6 weeks following initial telephone interview.
(1) Did you receive follow-up care for osteoporosis since our initial phone call? (a) Yes (proceed to question 3) (b) No |
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(2) Do you have a future appointment scheduled to follow-up on your osteoporosis? (a) Yes (If so, when): … (skip to bottom of questionnaire and thank patient for his/her time). (b) No (If no, skip to question 6) |
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(3) Did you see your primary care physician or an osteoporosis specialist? (a) Primary care physician (b) Osteoporosis specialist (c) Both |
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(4) Did you or are you planning to have a bone density scan done? (a) Yes (b) No (c) I do not know |
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(5) Are you currently being treated for osteoporosis? (a) Yes (Please specify treatment): … (b) No |
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(6) Only if answered No on question 2: Is the reason for not seeing a primary care physician or osteoporosis specialist because of insurance issues? (a) Yes (b) No |