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. 2010 Jan;3(1):17–30.


Radiological characteristics of the IA included in the study, the pc-MR measurements in CoA patient and healthy volunteers along with the locations, types and methods of BC application

IA Location, Size* and Neck Size* Q-flow measurements using pc-MR and BC application
Lt ICA Subclinoid, 1.8mm, 3.1mm Location of Q-Flow measurements Q-av-Typical Healthy Volunteers (ml/s) Q-av-CoA patient (ml/s) Change (%) BC location BC type BC Method
1. Lt ICA Proximal 3.95 5.44 +27.4 1. Lt ICA Proximal Inlet/velocity pc-MR
2. Lt ICA Distal 3.7 5.07 +27.1 2. Lt ICA Distal Outlet/velocity pc-MR
4. Lt ACA 1.2 2.66 +54.9 3. Lt OphthA Outlet/pressure Typical/population average

NB: Q-av; average blood flow, BC; boundary condition, Lt; left, Rt; right, ICA; internal carotid artery, MCA; middle cerebral artery, OphthA; ophthalmic artery,


size is reported as max diameter.

BC method refers to the analyses based on patient-specific BC from CoA patient.