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. 2011 Mar 10;2(1):13–24. doi: 10.5598/imafungus.2011.02.01.03

Table 3.

Effect of different isolates of Phaeocytostroma ambiguum and Stenocarpella maydis on survival, plant growth (shoot length) and crown and root rot of maize seedlings under glasshouse conditions.

Fungus Isolate Survival (%) x Shoot length (mm) x Crown rot (%) x y Root rot severity x z
Control 100.0a 489.7ab 0.0j 0.00h
P. ambiguum Z113V 100.0a 416.9defg 46.7def 1.27g
Z171F 100.0a 442.9bcd 60.0cd 1.10g
Z182Z 96.7a 434.1cd 13.7hij 1.14g
Z189Z 96.7a 452.1abcd 23.7ghi 1.28g
Z191AB 100.0a 422.6cdef 100.0a 2.00f
Z199Z 100.0a 497.8a 13.3hij 1.13g
Z213H 96.7a 487.9ab 17.0hij 1.07h
Z222AS 93.3ab 496.4a 14.2hij 0.82g
Z225F 96.7a 455.1abcd 7.0ij 1.21g
Z323C 100.0a 375.8fgh 100.0a 2.30def
Z432W 93.3ab 428.3cde 100.0a 2.04ef
S. maydis Z169F 76.7bc 381.4efgh 100.0a 2.21ef
Z178AB 40.0e 370.2gh 50.6de 2.83dc
Z181R 56.7de 290.2j 100.0a 3.41b
Z255K 83.3abc 376.6fgh 77.8bc 2.36def
Z255AD 100.0a 377.9fgh 73.3bc 2.23ef
Z401P 83.3abc 313.7ij 59.7cd 3.32bc
Z404K 86.7abc 361.2hi 100.0a 2.58de
Z410AD 83.3abc 420.6cdef 27.8fgh 2.20ef
Z422B 96.7a 465.8abc 38.5efg 1.00g
Z430D 46.7e 289.0j 20.8ghi 3.79ab
Z434C 70.0cd 315.5ij 90.5ab 4.00a

xMeans within a column followed by the same letter do not differ significantly (P = 0.05)

yPercentage plants with crown rot

zRoot rot severity rated on a scale of 0–4 with 0 = no root rot, 1 = > 0–25 % root rot, 2 = > 25–50 % root rot, 3 = > 50–75 % and 4 = >75–100 % root rot.