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. 2012 Feb 17;52(3):617–648. doi: 10.1021/ci200542m

Table 1. Overview of Methods for Predicting SOMs, Structures of Metabolites, and Interactions with Metabolizing Enzymes.

Methods for predicting SOMs Category Description Refs (Examples)
QMBO Reactivity-based method Derives likelihood of a metabolic reaction at a certain atom position from its hydrogen abstraction energy based on bond order, employing a DFT wave function. Considers accessibility of hydrogen atoms. (16)
CypScore Reactivity-based method Uses AM1-based atom reactivity descriptors to estimate metabolic reactivity of a certain atom position. Six models to describe various generic CYP metabolic reactions. (17)
Metaprint2D Fingerprint-based data mining method Derives likelihood of metabolic transformations for atoms with a defined atom environment from data mining of large biotransformation databases. Encodes atom environments using SYBYL266 atom types in combination with circular fingerprints. (2124)
ADMET Predictor – Metabolite Module Machine learning method Derives the likelihood of metabolic reactions to happen at specific atom positions using ANN ensembles. Classification models allow identification of substrates for five CYP isoforms. (28)
ROCS Shaped-focused method Uses shape-focused alignment of molecules to known CYP substrates in order to derive a potential geometric orientation to the catalytic heme iron. Atom positions in the proximity of the heme iron are considered potential SOMs. 37
Classic docking tools (AutoDock, FlexX, GLIDE, GOLD, etc.) Protein–ligand docking-based method Evaluate orientation of the ligand to the enzyme catalytic center in order to identify potential SOMs. Atom positions in the proximity of the heme iron are considered potential SOMs. (51, 52)
MetaSite Combined approach Uses protein structural information, GRID-derived MIFs of protein and ligand, as well as molecular orbital calculations to estimate the likelihood of a metabolic reaction at a certain atom position. (40, 54, 55)
Combined pharmacophore, homology modeling and quantum chemical approach Combined approach Combines a pharmacophore-based approach, homology modeling and molecular orbital calculations to pinpoint potential SOMs. (60)
SMARTCyp Combined approach Utilizes a set of precalculated DFT activation energies in combination with topological accessibility descriptors for prognosis of potential SOMs (CYP3A4 and 2D6). (61, 62)
StarDrop Combined approach Combines quantum chemical analysis and a ligand-based model of CYP substrates to highlight potential SOMs. Takes into account calculated logP values. (64)
RS-Predictor Combined approach Utilizes a set of 148 topological and 392 quantum chemical atom-specific descriptors in combination with a SVM-like ranking and a multiple instance learning method to identify potential SOMs. (15)
Machine learning-based multidescriptor approach Combined approach Takes into account quantum chemical, SASA and pharmacophoric descriptors using a random forest/ensemble decision tree approach to identify potential SOMs. (65)
Machine learning-based multidescriptor approach Combined approach Employs electrostatic, inductive, energetic, topological, steric, and distance properties in combination with a SVM to predict potential SOMs of endogenous substrates. (67)
Combined quantum chemical/docking/MD approach Combined approach Combination of quantum chemical methods with docking to account for reactivity, followed by MD simulations to predict potential SOMs. (69)
MLite Combined approach Combines quantum chemistry-derived reactivity estimation with docking. (73)
Ensemble-based/MD-supported docking Protein–ligand docking-based method Accounts for protein target flexibility with conformational ensembles of proteins generated using MD simulations and related techniques. (7982)
IDSite Combined approach Combination of an induced fit docking approach (GLIDE, PLOP) with a reactivity model (Jaguar). (84)
Methods for predicting xenobiotic metabolites Category Description References (Examples)
MetabolExpert Expert system Uses knowledge database of rules to predict the structures of likely metabolites. Predicts pathways in animals, plants, or through photodegradation. (88)
META Expert system Uses a large dictionary of biotransformations to predict the structure of likely metabolites. Analyzes metabolite stability. Predicts pathways in mammals, through aerobic and anaerobic biodegradation. (89)
Meteor Expert system Employs a collection of knowledge-based biotransformation rules defined using a dedicated structure representation language to derive the structure of likely metabolites. Considers calculated logP values for predictions. (90)
University of Minnesota Pathway Prediction System (UM-PPS) Expert system Utilizes biotransformation rules to predict the structure of likely metabolites. Specific to microbial catabolic metabolism. (91)
SyGMa Expert system Predicts structures of likely metabolites based on rules derived from the Accelrys Metabolite Database and assigns probability scores for each metabolite. (92)
TIMES Expert system Employs a biotransformation library and a heuristic algorithm to generate metabolic maps. (93)
JChem Metabolizer module Expert system Enumerates all possible metabolites of a given compound. Supports species-specific predictions of likely metabolites. (94)
Metaprint2D-React Fingerprint-based data mining approach Predicts structures of likely metabolites based on the MetaPrint2D data mining approach. (21)
Machine learning-based multidescriptor approach Combined approach See description of this software in Methods of Predicting SOMs. (67)
MetaSite Combined approach See description of this software in Methods of Predicting SOMs. (40, 54, 55)
Methods for predicting CYP binding affinity/inhibition by xenobiotics Category Description References (Examples)
Linear interaction energy (LIE) MD simulation semi-empirical method for calculating free energy of binding for a ligand using ensemble averaged nonbonded interaction energies. (156159)
Free energy perturbation (FEP)/thermodynamic integration (TI) MD simulation Simulations of unphysical states along a thermodynamic cycle connecting the bound and unbound ligand form for calculating the free energy of binding. (131, 161163)
Decision tree, k-nearest neighbor, ANN, random forest, SVM, etc. QSAR and machine learning method: Classification model Classify compounds for enzyme inhibition. Allow conclusions to be drawn on isoform specificity. (202206, 209)
isoCyp QSAR and machine learning method: Classification model Classifies compounds for CYP3A4, 2D6, and 2C9 inhibition. (207, 208)
PCA, PLS, multiple linear regression, etc. QSAR and machine learning method: Regression model Predict enzyme inhibition rates. (210, 212216)
CoMFA, GRID/GOLPE 3D-QSAR method: Classification model Classify compounds for enzyme inhibition. Allow conclusions to be drawn on isoform specificity. (222, 224)
CoMFA, GRID/GOLPE 3D-QSAR method: Regression model Predict enzyme inhibition rates. Allow derivation of 3D properties crucial for bioactivity. (224229, 231, 232)
Pharmacophore models Pharmacophore-based method Predict quantitative and qualitative enzyme inhibition. Allow conclusions to be drawn on isoform specificity. (213, 233, 236, 238240)
Protein–ligand docking Protein–ligand docking-based method Predict binding mode and binding affinity. Allow conclusions to be drawn on isoform specificity. (159, 241, 242)
Combined pharmacohore ensemble/SVM approach Combined approach Uses an ensemble of pharmacophores to account for protein flexibility. (243)
Proteochemometric analysis supported by GRIND and further physicochemical descriptors Combined approach Considers protein sequences of 14 CYPs as well as GRIND and further descriptors for substrates. (244)
Combined machine learning, protein modeling, and docking approach Combined approach Uses simulated annealing to render the conformational space of the target protein and docking scores as attributes for subsequent ANN model generation. (246)
VirtualToxLab Combined approach Uses flexible docking in combination with a multidimensional QSAR approach to predict ligand interaction with 16 antitargets, including CYP450 1A2, 2A13, 2C9, 2D6, and 3A4. (247)
Methods for predicting CYP induction by xenobiotics Category Description Examples (References)
PLS using VolSurf descriptors QSAR approach Uses atPLS and VolSurf descriptors for the development of a QSAR model for PXR/AhR interaction. PXR: (251); AhR: (251)
SVM, k-nearest neighbor, probabilistic neural network Machine learning approach Uses various machine learning methods to predict human PXR interaction. PXR: (252)
Pharmacophore modeling Pharmacophore-based method Uses pharmacophores to predict PXR/CAR interaction. PXR: (253256); CAR: (262)
Protein–ligand docking Protein–ligand docking-based method Uses protein–ligand docking to predict PXR/AhR/CAR activation, rationalize SARs and gain insight on likely molecular interaction modes. PXR: (256258, 263); AhR: 259, (263); CAR: (263)
GRID/GOLPE 3D-QSAR method Uses MIF-derived 3D-QSAR models to predict CAR interaction. CAR: (262)
VirtualToxLab Combined approach Uses flexible docking in combination with a multidimensional QSAR approach to predict ligand interaction with AhR and 15 other targets (see above). AhR: (247)