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. 2012 Mar 23;(177):49–57. doi: 10.3897/zookeys.177.2475
6 Metasomal terga dull or weakly shining, impunctate or evenly, sparsely punctate. Body without erect pilosity, at most with thin pruinose pubescence. Wings hyaline except for cloudy areas at marginal and costal cells. Clypeus with truncate lobe, which is narrower than outer distance of antennal sockets. Male hindfemur with hook-like process or prominent bulge toward base. Body length not exceeding 12 mm. Dalara Ritsema
Metasomal terga shining, lateral portions of at least terga II-V coarsely punctatorugose, tergal disks impuncate or sparsely punctate. Body completely or partly covered with erect pilosity. Wings infumate. Clypeus with truncate or broadly emarginate lobe, which is significantly broader than outer distance of antennal sockets. Male hindfemur unmodified or longitudinally compressed below. Body length 17 to 34 mm. 6a
6a Body covered with dense, silvery pubescence. Propodeal dorsum finely, transversely striatorugose. Malar space narrow to virtually absent. Mandibular apex broadly bidentate in both sexes, if mandibles unusually long and sickle-shaped (major males), then apex simple and submedial tooth or inner margin lacking. Male: forefemoral venter with long, dense pubescence; hindfemur and sterna simple; apex of sternum VIII truncate; penis valve with inwards directed apical and medial process. Male body length 20–24 mm. Paraliris Kohl
Body covered with dark pubescence, well-developed in females and indistinct in males. Propodeal dorsum punctate, punctures markedly dense along midline. Malar space markedly large, about 1.5–2.0 × inner distance of antennal sockets. Female mandibular apex broadly bidentate, male mandible unusually elongate, apex simple, with large submedial tooth on inner margin. Male: forefemoral venter virtually asetose; hindfemoral venter longitudinally compressed; sterna III–IV with paired submedial lobes; apex of sternum VIII with two large, finger-like processes; penis valve with longitudinal row of strong teeth ventrally. Male body length 25–34 mm Megalara Kimsey & Ohl, gen. n.