Genomic structure, amino acid sequence and expression of the CPL4 gene. (a) Structure of tandemly arranged genes, ETC2, CPL4 and TCL1, in the genome. The exons are represented by pink (ETC2), blue (CPL4) and red (TCL1). The lengths of DNA sequences between genes are shown in base pairs; (b) Amino acid sequence comparison of CPL4 and ETC2 proteins generated using Genetyx ver.16.0.2 software [36]. Identical amino acids are shaded in black; (c) Expression of CPL4 in shoots of Arabidopsis seedlings. Tissues from Arabidopsis roots or shoots were collected, RNA was isolated, and RT-PCR was performed to check for the expression of CPL4. The PCR product size using primer pair (RT341/RT342) was 241 bp. The expression of Elongation Factor1α (EF) was used as a control.