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. 2012 Mar 14;13(3):3492–3510. doi: 10.3390/ijms13033492

Table 5.

Retention times, ESI-MS/MS m/z values (molecular ion (MS); product ions (MS2)), average contents and range in parentheses of nonflavonoid compounds in the skins of different grape groups.

Compounds Rt (min) MS; MS2 (m/z) Eu-grapes As-grapes Eu-As hybrids Am-grapes Eu-Am hybrids Mu-grapes
Cinnamic acids (μg CAE/g DW)
Chlorgenic acid 0.56 191 0.67 (0–1.33) 7.57 (0–10.16) 5.83 (0–9.82) 6.13 (0.38–8.85) 4.86 (0.71–7.09) 8.07 (7.89–8.26)
Caffeic acid 1.19 179 nd 1.15 (0–10.36) nd 1.63 (0–5.55) nd nd
Caftaric acid 1.30 311;179 nd 8.56 (0–24.16) nd nd nd nd
p-Coumaric acid 2.90 163 nd 1.68 (0–11.45) 3.28 (0–9.85) 2.25 (0–8.99) 7.92 (0–23.75) 7.40 (0–14.80)
Ferulic acid 3.01 193 nd 15.36 (0–58.44) 17.81 (0–36.13) 12.40 (0–32.58) 5.13 (0–7.87) nd
HE of caffeic acid 5.63 341;179 nd nd nd nd nd 17.64 (0–35.29)
HE of p-coumaric acid 6.11 325;163 nd 1.82 (0–16.36) nd nd 3.26 (0–9.79) 4.15 (0–8.29)
HE of ferulic acid 7.47 355;193 0 (0-tr) 16.98 (0–131.33) 69.31 (10.26–183.29) 13.18 (6.64–26.55) 4.15 (1.25–8.97) 4.17 (0–8.34)
Fertaric acid 8.45 325;193 nd 58.15 (0–196.63) 11.87 (0–25.11) 8.50 (0–27.86) 7.21 (0–18.15) nd

Benzoic acids (μg GAE/g DW)
HE of protocatechuic acid 0.86 315;153 0.46 (0–0.91) 6.96 (3.10–12.59) 4.84 (tr-11.51) 0.05 (0–0.19) 4.38 (0–8.08) 9.20 (7.07–11.34)
protocatechuic acid 1.41 153 nd 0.17 (0–1.56) nd nd nd nd
p-Hydroxybenzoic acid 1.77 137 nd 0.79 (0–3.70) nd nd nd nd
Ethyl gallate 4.41 197;169 nd 1.45 (0–13.05) nd 0.94 (0–3.78) 3.55 (0–6.08) nd
HE of vanillic acid 5.15 329;167 8.95 (7.73–10.17) 3.99 (0–15.27) 7.63 (4.39–11.17) 6.75 (0.58–12.73) 3.70 (tr-6.30) 8.36 (6.96–9.75)

Ellagic acids (μg EAE/g DW)
Ellagic acid-rha 9.33 331;169,125 nd nd nd nd nd 16.49 (0–32.97)
HHDP-galloylglucose 0.64 633;481,301 nd nd nd nd nd 140.16 (95.42–184.91)
HHDP-glucose 3.81 481;421,301 nd nd nd nd nd 5.41 (0.00–10.82)
Ellagitannin 1 9.76 813;781,301 nd nd nd nd nd 92.91 (92.37–93.45)
Ellagitannin 2 14.47 831;813,301 nd nd nd nd nd 331.45 (303.32–359.59)

Stilbenes (μg RE/g DW)
trans-Piceid 10.19 389;227 2.50 (tr–5.01) 0.96 (0–8.67) 1.21 (0–3.64) nd nd 28.21 (tr-56.41)
trans-Resveratrol 23.67 227 94.44 (26.83–162.05) 10.25 (0–67.09) 9.10 (tr-27.31) 0 (0-tr) 0 (0-tr) 13.71 (12.15–15.26)

nd means not detected. tr means trace. Abbreviations: Eu, European; As, East Asian; Am, North Amrican; Mu, Muscadine; HE, hexose ester; rha, rhamnoside. The contents of the nonflavonoid compounds in the skins of each wine grape cultivars are shown in the supplementary file.