Effects of recombinant vaccinia virus infection on
endogenous IL-15 expression. Nude mice were inoculated i.v.
with 106 pfu of the respective recombinant vaccinia
viruses, and tissues were harvested 36 h (A) and 10
days (B) after infection. Total cellular RNA was then
isolated from lung (lanes 1), spleen (lanes 2), brain (lanes 3), and
liver (lanes 4), and IL-15 mRNA levels were determined by RPA as
described in Materials and Methods by using a riboprobe
fragment specific for murine IL-15. Each sample represents tissue RNA
pooled from three animals. IFN-γ represents a gene that is modulated
early in vaccinial infection. The expression levels of ribosomal gene
L32 serve as an internal control for RNA integrity. Data are
representative of two similar experiments performed.