Figure 2.
OGRE is localized upstream of metazoan Ori peaks. Nascent Strands (NS) enrichment at OGRE is shown for mouse (A) and Drosophila (B) cells. A strong NS peak is found ∼280 and ∼160 nucleotides 3′ of the overall mouse or Drosophila OGRE occurrences, respectively. NS signals were not associated with randomized OGRE occurrences. The enrichment value is the negative log of the combined p-value associated with the NS signal. (C) OGRE-positive mouse Oris were aligned and centered on the NS peaks. The nucleotide distribution was calculated ±1 kb of the NS peak. Note the presence of G-(black) and C-rich (blue) sequences 5′ and 3′ of the NS peaks. In this situation, Oris were not oriented relative to the OGREs. (D) When mouse Oris were oriented relative to the OGRE s, the nucleotide distribution around NS peaks was characterized by the presence of a strong G-rich strand (black) 5′ of the NS peak. (E) Schematic representation of OGRE organization relative to the NS peak.