Figure 2.
An invasive micropapillary carcinoma (IMPC) in a 60-year-old woman who underwent mammographic screening. (A) A magnified craniocaudal mammogram of the right breast shows multiple pleomorphic microcalcifications with a segmental distribution. (B) B-mode image of the right breast shows multiple hypoechoic masses with indistinct margins and segmental distributions in the twelve o'clock position (arrows). Note the calcifications within the mass (arrowheads). (C, D) Axial, dynamic, contrast-enhanced, T1-weighted MR images of the left breast 2 minutes (C) and 6 minutes (D) after contrast injection show non-mass-like, heterogeneous enhancement with a segmental distribution in the right lower outer quadrant. A kinetic curve analysis showed washout pattern (arrows). (E) Photomicrography shows tumor cells in glands or nests that appear in clear spaces associated with microcalcification foci (arrow) (H&E stain, ×200; Inlet: positive immunohistochemical stain for estrogen receptor, ×200).