The M1 carrier enhances antibody responses to coupled peptide and is effective in the presence of specific anti-M1 antibodies. (a) C57BL/6 mice were vaccinated once with M1–OVA323-339, DM–OVA323-339, or peptide alone, all emulsified in IFA. IgG responses are shown as whisker plots showing the minimum to maximum range of data points and the median value. Data are representative of two independent experiments, each containing 5 mice per group and 15 mice in total. (b) BALB/c mice were immunized with 10 μg M1 or PBS in IFA, followed by vaccination with 10 μg M1-OVA in IFA on weeks 3 and 6. Serum samples (n = 7/group) were collected for assay by ELISA for M1 antibody (squares) on week 3 and OVA antibody (triangles) on week 8. Data are combined from two independent experiments (n = 28 mice in total). Each individual point represents a single mouse, and the horizontal line is the median value. P values were calculated using a Kruskal-Wallis test with Dunn's procedure.