Fig 4.
EGFP–Atg8-2p labeling of the parental macronucleus occurs before nuclear acidification and condensation. The images show localization of EGFP–Atg8-2ps in mating cells at different conjugation stages, based on Lyso-ID Red dye staining. EGFP–Atg8-2p expression was induced when starved cells of different mating types were mixed. Live pairing cells were stained with Lyso-ID Red dye for acidified structures and Hoechst for DNA at conjugation, from 4 to 9 hours. Images were taken by using a conventional fluorescence microscope with differential interference contrast (DIC). Arrows, meiotic products with EGFP and Lyso-ID Red dye staining; arrowheads, nuclei with EGFP staining.