Fig 5.
Enhanced transcription of genes under low-DIC (A) or high-DIC (B) conditions, as determined with microarrays. Genes are presented with locus tags from the genome annotation. (A) cbbL and cbbS encode a carboxysomal form IA RubisCO, while csoS1 to csc4 encode carboxysome shell proteins. “hyp” indicates that the gene encodes a hypothetical protein. (B) cbbM encodes a form II RubisCO, while cbbL and cbbS encode the subunits of a form IA RubisCO with ∼80% amino acid sequence identity with the carboxysomal RubisCO. Amount (amt) genes encode Amt family proteins and are likely to be ammonium transporters, while “P-II nitr reg” encodes the PII protein, which is involved in regulating the Ntr regulon for nitrogen assimilation. Two or three probes were designed to target each gene and are illustrated with individual bars on the graphs. Only those genes for which more than one probe showed more than 2-fold enhancement of transcription are presented here. Error bars represent standard deviations as propagated from normalized spot intensities from three low-DIC and three high-DIC chemostats.