Fig 5.
Testing of B142–173,S1/M chimeric RNA for replication. (A) B142–173/M RNA was made to contain C158G, A163U, and G169U (*) in order to mimic reverted virus S1 at virus passage 10. The predicted base-pairing pattern of B142–173,S1/M long-range RNA-RNA interaction is shown. BCoV sequence is indicated by lowercase letters. (B) Plaque patterns of wt MHV and B142–173,S1/M at VP1. (C) Growth kinetics of wt MHV-A59 and B142–173,S1/M at VP1. (D) Northern blot showing genomic and sgmRNA patterns for uninfected cells (lane 1), wt-MHV-infected cells (lane 2), and B142–173,S1/M virus-infected cells (lane 3). The radiolabeled probe was an oligonucleotide complementary to a 26-nt region within the MHV 3′ UTR.